Today we ran a STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) activity to save Fred, the gummy worm, from certain death due to negligence while boating. We needed to get his life jacket out from under the capsized boat and put it around Fred without him falling into the water below, as Fred is unable to swim. This of course had to be done without touching the boat, life preserver or Fred with our hands - instead using only the 4 paper clips provided. Knowing that we couldn't impale Fred or damage the life preserver, the class then came up with many creative uses for their paper clip tools and all groups were ultimately successful. I've posted a few pictures here, but there are MANY more in the Pictures section of this website (just remember the bonus word from today's spelling test for the password).
The Terry Fox Run on Friday was a huge success. Division 7 did an excellent job collecting the donations and participating on the intermediate course for the first time. I was very proud of their effort. As a school, we raised just over $500, with many of those donations coming from our class. Thanks everyone!
What a great first week! I am really happy with how the class is shaping up and am excited for all the fun things we will get to do this year! I can't wait to meet all of the families in the near future and imagine our first and best opportunity will be at the Meet the Staff night, which will be happening on the evening of Thursday, September 19th. I will be there and hope to see many of you there too!
Division 7This Blog will provide updates on what is happening in the classroom, as well as a small peak into the life of the teacher outside of school. Archives
January 2022
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Welcome Students and Parents of Division 7!
I hope that this will be a place where we can better open the lines of communication between myself, the students and the parents/guardians. I also hope to use this space as part of my general encouragement to use various forms of technology to help us learn in different and meaningful ways.