Second, the school has a new website which it will be using for school wide news. The new website address is:
I have changed the link on our website, so that it can take you directly there. Online versions of the school newsletter, The Mackenzie Buzz, and other school posts and information will be made available to you there.
Finally, we are ramping up for Halloween here in Division 11. Our lanterns are underway and should be finished before the 31st. We will have a party in the afternoon on Halloween after what I am assuming will be a unique P.E. class complete with costumes. Students are encouraged to come dressed up on Halloween, but reminded not to bring anything that could constitute or resemble a weapon (regardless of how cheesy and plastic it might actually be).
If I have missed anything, or you have any questions, please feel free to comment below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Happy (almost) Halloween,
Mr. Martin